Introducing Sagal Jama Skin

A plant-based skincare line that believes in the healing power of nature. Inspired by ancestral practices, Sagal Jama beauty uses the ancient Somali plant, Qasil to treat acne-prone skin, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone. Our founder, a Somali-British woman, has always been drawn to the power of natural remedies and has discovered the incredible benefits of Qasil. Our mission is to connect people to their roots by utilizing natural solutions in a modern way. Our innovative use of Qasil combined with other powerful plant-based ingredients provides a truly unique and effective skincare experience. We are proud to offer a product that nourishes skin while also respecting our earth and communities.

Clean at Sagal jama beauty

While there is not a universal standard for ‘clean’ skincare, we believe it is important to be transparent about our approach to clean. At Sagal jama beauty, being clean means “free from” toxic ingredients like sulfates, parabens, PEGs, and thousands of other questionable ingredients. Meanwhile, we do not shy away from synthetic (or lab-created) ingredients—as long as those synthetic ingredients are safe. Rest assured, our entire collection is vegan, cruelty free, fragrance free, and dye free.

Our Core Value

Our core value is deeply rooted in gracious  hospitality - we always want you and your skin to feel looked after for - with the utmost respect and care. Similar to how a good host of the South would prepare their best for visitors, we work with the best chemists in the skincare industry to develop safe and clinically-tested formulas so that you and your skin feel welcomed, refreshed, and radiant after each use. Welcome to sagal jama beauty, we hope you’ll stay a while!